As part of the European Safe Online Initiative’s efforts to make information and modules accessible to a broader context of EU member countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Romania). Our partner, Athens Lifelong Institute has launched the Greek version of Veilig Online at the following link:
Originally created by Gezinsbond as part of their project called “The Flemish Safe Online Initiative”, these interactive modules allow users to learn from real-life protagonists and experts, all in the comfort of their own home, at their own pace.
The interactive website tackles five main themes:
Social media can be a great way to connect with friends and loved ones, but it can also lead to unwanted exposure to strangers and negative interactions.
We communicate, connect and form relationships differently today because of the internet. The internet must be used responsibly to enhance your personality and relationships.
Can our kids be protected from bad agents? Are they capable of managing challenging situations effectively and standing their ground?
The impact of gaming on the real lives of our children: what is it all about?
The web continuously exposes us to new information. What are our strategies for managing our privacy when we move around the internet?
About Us
The European Safe Online Initiative is the brainchild of the Flemish SafeOnline Initiative applied to the larger context of the European Union by organisations from five EU countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Romania.
What do we do?
Associations and educational institutions bring their know-how to build a program to educate parents and other carers to become fully aware of the risks and opportunities the new media offer to their children.
Who are we?
Child Focus | Gezinsbond | La Ligue des Familles | Athens Lifelong Learning Institute | Universitatea de Vest Timisoara -UVT | University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” | European University Cyprus | EAVI European Association for Viewers Interests