The Book “Empowering Parents in the Digital Age” – Free Download Here!

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In today’s digital age, children use a variety of screens and devices at home, in schools and on the move. Within this context, parents need support in understanding how to care for their well-being. To address this issue, the European Safe Online Initiative, first established in Belgium, expanded to engage with thousands of parents and other carers across five different countries, helping them to develop media literacy skills. Empowering Parents in the Digital Age documented the challenges and successes of the three-year-long project. With a focus on the role of parents, the book discusses a wide range of subjects related to children’s online media use, offering considerations that embrace multiple interrelated dimensions and levels of discussion, including policy recommendations. The book may serve as a wealth of insights for organisations, policymakers and experts involved in the digital parenting field. It emphasises the critical role of media literacy and also provides some guidance on where parents can find advice and resources to navigate this new environment with greater confidence. 

About Us

The European Safe Online Initiative is the brainchild of the Flemish SafeOnline Initiative applied to the larger context of the European Union by organisations from five EU countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Romania.

What do we do?
Associations and educational institutions bring their know-how to build a program to educate parents and other carers to become fully aware of the risks and opportunities the new media offer to their children.

Who are we?
Child Focus | Gezinsbond | La Ligue des Familles | Athens Lifelong Learning Institute | Universitatea de Vest Timisoara -UVT | University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” | European University Cyprus | EAVI European Association for Viewers Interests

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