Building a Better Future for Our Children
We Support PArents and educators in their mission
What We Do
— We Build Awareness
Parents struggle to find the balance between constructive and unhealthy use. Parents need support on fostering children’s online skills and safety.
— We Empower
A path developed upon the principle of “cascade training” rationale, according to which parents quickly transfuse this new knowledge into the family environment, will be taken. Thus, the multiplier effect and the exponential results of learning are very quickly evident.
— We Educate
Parents have a responsibility to support their children’s media literacy but should be supported to do so. It is important to offer the parents platforms where they can discuss their questions and uncertainties, and where they find information and answers to their questions as well.
— We Support
We attempt to introduce parents into the media worlds of their children, to answer the principal question of how parents should attend to their children’s media use and to discuss:
- What their children are doing with media,
- What they use media for,
- Why they are attracted by media etc.
What We Care For!
Strengthen children's and young people's critical thinking
By developing the critical mindset of children and young people, they become able to judge and overcome the ever-present threats of fake news, cyber bullying, radicalization, cybersecurity threats and fraud. Even the youngest children are in daily contact with digital technologies yet do not understand the risks. Parents worry about inappropriate content and risks but do not know how to address them.
Support individuals in understanding digital technologies and their benefits
It is important to understand how digital technologies can support communication, creativity and innovation, offer opportunities and, at the same time, it is also important to be aware of the limitations, effects and risks. By taking a critical approach to the validity, reliability and impact of information and data made available by digital means, induvial can manage and protect information, content, data, and digital identities.
Support young people in achieving personal fulfilment
As part of their overall mission to prepare young people for society and the labour market, as well as to support them in achieving personal fulfilment, education and training have an important role to play in helping young people to become media literate and responsible citizens of the future.
Help young people at being open and inquisitive
It is critical to develop and maintain an open and inquiring mindset, while being able to think independently and critically. Exercise of sound judgement by using fact-based knowledge and resisting and countering extremist messages, indoctrination and disinformation are all bonded together.
Media Literacy as a path toward freedom and inclusion
We consider media literacy an extremely important factor for inclusion and active citizenship in today’s information society. Media literacy is one of the key pre-requisites for an active and full citizenship in order to prevent and diminish risks of exclusion from community life.
Overcome the digital divide in the EU
A persistent divide exists between and within EU Member States. The more southern and the more eastern the country, the lower the total media literacy rate. The European SafeOnline project has decided to focus its efforts on the countries positioned at the very bottom of the continuum, where the greatest needs at the field of media literacy are.
We want to help parents grow their knowledge on media literacy so that parents are able to promote safe and responsible media use and behaviour to their children. Eventually, with this approach media literacy reaches the whole family. In summary, with Safe Online we strive to change the behaviour and functioning on three levels: children, parents and families.
Safe Online aims to change the media and parenting culture of families by promoting active and open parenting based on trust, respect, empathy and mutual support. How do we want to promote this? By supporting parents, reassuring them and creating the right mindset and attitude that encourages an honest dialogue about the Internet. We help parents and children to find their own path to (a life with) media literacy.